Annual General Meeting 2020

This page will detail as much information as possible to demystify the operation of the Club, the roles, and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Often people don't join the Committee because it is not clear how the Club operates. It is not too complicated and anybody willing, able, and with the right attitude can make a valuable contribution and learn in the process. Without volunteers, the Club would not be able to exist so getting new Committee members is essential each year.

Any questions please contact a Committee member.


Annual General Meeting 2020 Details

The Wembley Junior Basketball Club Inc. Annual General Meeting was held on



DATE: Monday, 30th November, 2020

TIME: 7:30pm 

VENUE: Via Zoom



At least 2 members from each team are requested to attend AGM.

Resolutions to be passed:

1. Post Covid-19 Seasons and what is ahead.

2. Nominations for the replacement of some committee members.

Please feel free to speak to any current Committee member about any position.

All inquiries regarding the AGM please contact the President (Jade):


Our AGM generally occurs between August and October each year to coincide with the end of the financial year at 30 June and around the end of Winter and the start of Summer basketball Seasons. The Committee sets the AGM date each year.

Resolutions for AGM 2020

There is a possibility some committee members may want to stand aside to let new members join the club committee. We are actively seeking new members and driving the promotion of the club for the future. Any Parents/Carers with children playing Basketball are encouraged to attend and get involved.



Each Wembley team is required to send two delegates for teams in under 14 age groups and below and one representative for teams playing above that age group.

A quorum (a certain percentage of members) is required to attend the AGM for it to be a valid meeting. The quorum is currently 10% of the membership base - which is generally around 20-30 members. This can include proxy votes. We had 34 this year.

Proxy forms can be downloaded, filled in, and presented prior to and up to the start of the AGM occurring.

Download proxy form (PDF)

AGM Agenda

The agenda for the AGM includes:

  • Introductions/Apologies
  • Acceptance of any proxy forms
  • President Report
  • Treasurer Report
  • Election of any Committee Member as required
  • Election of General (Ordinary) Members
  • Discuss Future Plans
  • Grievances
  • General Business
  • Close AGM


Club Organisation

The Club was incorporated in 2006 which means that the Club is a legal entity separate from its members. The Club can enter into contracts and remains active even if the members of the Club change. The Club is governed by a Committee voted in by the members annually and follows a constitution (the rules) to manage the Club.

It is pretty straight forward. Each year a committee is voted in, over the year the Committee makes decisions on what to invest time and resources in, to meet the objectives of the Club.

The Committee maintains a relationship with the basketball Associations that we play at (Altona and Westgate) and adjust or influence based on the Association's goals. 

The Club organises teams to be registered with each Association and then we arrange for players to be registered to teams.

Each team has a Coach and a Team Manager. These positions represent the official roles at a team level. 

  • Club History - Started in 1997, founded as Club in 2001 and incorporated in 2006
  • Club Constitution/Rules - Download a copy of the current model (standard, generic rules) from Consumer Affairs Victoria or see the new rules submitted for acceptance by the members in the Special Resolutions section last year.


The Club Committee

To nominate please send details and position you are interested in to or talk to Jade

The Club is administered by the Club's Committee, comprising generally of parents of children who play for the Club. At each AGM, the existing Committee is disolved and new members are voted in or accepted into the Committee for the coming year.

The Committee meets at last 4-6 times a year and is a relaxed and welcoming environment. Committee meetings are often held over dinner at an appropriate venue. 

The positions within the Club Committee can change but at present are:

General Committee Member roles can often fill other functions such as Communications Co-ordinator or Uniform Co-ordinator.

Non-Committee Roles

The Club's main non-Committee roles are:

Our Constitution/Rules

In 2018, at the AGM, the Committee put to the members our first customised version of our Constitution/Rules for the Club to be governed by. The Club had operated under the generic Model Rules supplied by Consumer Affairs Victoria since incorporation in 2006. These generic rules were just that...generic and not specific to our Club's specific situation. We adjusted these rules approved at the AGM and then submitted them for approval by Consumer Affairs. Now this has occurred we are then able to refine the rules to further meet our requirements over the coming years.

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