To Register

Registrations for the 2024 season are now open.

Please register online using this link:





Please note. Commencing January 2018, children aged up to and including 18 years of age are eligible for the $50 Active Kids Rebate from the Commonwealth Government. Please log onto Service NSW for more information. You will need to register for the rebate BEFORE registering with Football NSWto be eligible for the discount. 

If you are unable to register online, please contact Justine Oliver at

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Huskisson Vincentia Football Club



How will registration work this year? How will team allocations work this year?
1. You register online BEFORE muster day on the Date TBC
2. Show up at muster for expressions of interest in a particular team. (Eg "can they play with their friends?")
3. Teams will be allocated after that and coaches will be given their teams details to contact.

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