The Trees

We are sure you have noticed that two trees have been cut down outside the club rooms at Sumner Park.

We have spoken to Moreland City Council about the trees and have been provided with detailed information.

The trees were Tasmanian Blue Gums which are not local to the area. They were about 50 to 80 years old.

 Both trees were infected with bracket fungus and were now quickly dying. They had become dangerous, with cracks in the trunk and limbs and spongy internal systems.  There was increasing risk of losing limbs or completely falling down, putting Sumner Park users at risk.

Both trees were reviewed by Council’s arborist who directed the removal. He has also reviewed the remaining tree in the same area and advises that it is currently healthy and will remain.

The removed trees will be replaced over the coming weeks with new trees of a suitable species.



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