Junior Girls' Under 12 Futsal league to be held at BVAC - subject to interest

In the past few years, there has been a shortage of opportunities for junior girls to play football in the off-season. That is about to change...

According to FFV Zone Development Officer for the wider Geelong region, Foddy Kyprian, there is now an opportunity to launch a junior girls Futsal league at the Barwon Valley Activity Centre (BVAC) in Belmont on Tuesday afternoon’s starting early October.

Futsal Geelong and the FFV are seeking Expressions of Interest for players in the Under 12 age bracket, with space for up to 13 teams to get involved. Game times would be 4.15pm, 5.00pm and 5.45pm - all finished by 6.30pm.

"We need to work on this quickly as all Summer Futsal League details are being finalised and court space within the venues at a premium," said Kyprian.

If you would like to know more about this competition or generally about the game of futsal, please contact either Foddy Kyprian by email at fkyprian@ffv.org.au or contact Futsal Geelong directly at futsalgeelong@geelongcity.vic.gov.au


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