Rounders Rules


Players:   1x  team of 9 Girls  & 1x  team of 9  Boys / Girls / Mixed (boys are not permitted in any element of the girls stream).  Maximum number of players 12 per team. Any number of substitutions can be made, however the innings should end before substitutions are made and details passed on to the opposition team / coach

Match  Duration:
  One hour or nine innings, where possible  (innings must be even)

Equipment:  Standard Wooden Rounders Bat with grip. Tennis ball.  Set of 3 bases one home plate and one pitchers plate.  A safety plate is recommended for first plate (white on inside / orange on outside for run-through only.  Host School to set-up diamond # 1.  Visiting team to set up diamond # 2

Please note discussed and approved 8 / 12 / 09  Rounders BDS Premiers will NOT participate in SSV play-off.

INTERCHANGE  OF  PLAYERS: Batters must bat in the set sequence as indicated on the score sheet.  Any changes to the batting order must be made before the start of the batters' innings.  Changes to the batting order must be announced to the opposition team / coach before the start of each innings.  Note failure to do so will result in the batter being declared out. Pitchers can be exchanged at the end of an innings.  ( Injuries excepted. ) Changes to the pitcher must be forwarded to the opposition team / coach before the start of the new innings and new pitcher.  
If a fielder is injured during an innings they can be replaced straight away.

SCORERS from each team must sit together, away from both teams.  Teachers and scorers should ensure they are in agreement with the scores at the end of each innings.

An INNINGS continues until nine players have batted.

BATTING:  To allow all children the chance to bat, the side will not be out after 3 out.  Instead all children will bat each innings through to the ninth batter.  Players must bat in the same order throughout the game.
Batters must wait to be called 'BATTER  UP'  before entering the batting box area.

PLAYER  IS  OUT:  After three strikes ( caught or not by the catcher ),
if put out at first = the ball is thrown to and held by fielder with contact with the first base
throws the bat (after a warning ) 
 batting out of order
if the batted ball is caught on the full
if tagged by a fielder's hand / glove (any one may tag, if ball knocked from fielders hand, batter still out)
if the runner deviates more than 2m outside the direct line to the bases
     *  if they  run past or overtake a team mate running the base
if two runners attempt to occupy one base 

All scoring stops when the Umpire declares a batter out

Base runners may continue running is the striker if caught / given out unless a foul is called.

If bases are full, a fielder only has to stand on the base whilst holding the ball =  FORCED  PLAY

If the play is not a forced play the runner must be TAGGED  with the ball in glove or hand

Base runners cannot leave their base whist the pitcher has the ball in the pitching circle / area. 

Runner will be called automatically OUT,  IF  SEEN  TO  BE  LEAVING  THE  BASE  EARLY, before the pitcher pitches the ball

Fielders without possession of the ball cannot  BLOCK  BASES  or impede the batters movement   onto or around the base / s  The base runner is considered safe at the base concerned.  The only time a fielder can block entry to a base is when they actually have the ball in their hand to tag a runner or touch the base in the case of a forced play.  Children are to be encouraged not to stand on bases when waiting for the batter to hit - instead they should stand approximately 3m. from the base and run back to the base when required.  Safety plates for first plate are recommended.

RUNNING  THE  BASES:  Runners must touch all bases however they may run through first base (white or orange) and home plate but must hold their positions on second and third base.  Players who run through on second and third can be tagged whilst off the base.  Only one runner may occupy a base.  Runners may not pass bases runners in front of them.  Runners are entitled to return to the previous base provided they have not touched the `leading base' and the returning base is unoccupied.  Base runners are not given out if avoiding interference with a fielder not directly involved in retrieving the ball.  Runners can not given out when returning to bases after FOUL or OVER THROW  is declared

HOLDING  BASES.  At the end of play, when no more runs between the bases are eminent, the umpire must call "HOLD BASES" so the fielders are safe to return the ball to the pitcher.  Base runners cannot take off as the ball is being thrown back to the pitcher.  The umpire should not wait until the ball is in the pitcher's hands or standing at the pitching plate to call "HOLD  BASES

IF  BATTER RECEIVES 4x 'balls',  the batter advances safely to first base ( RECEIVING  A  WALK)  If bases are occupied,  base runners advance one as required.

IF  BATTER IS HIT - `DEAD  BALL' is called by umpire, all play ceases and scores are unchanged.

NO  FLY  BALL  rule in Rounders.  Runners do not have to return to the bases when the ball is caught.  NOTE:  Should the base runner initially be in a forced-to-run situation  (eg first base), a caught ball eliminates the necessity to run.

If there is an OVER  THROW  into an out of bounds area the umpire shall call "Dead Ball", upon  which any runners may advance a maximum of one base from the time of the Umpire's call  Base runners cannot be given out when returning to bases on an overthrow.  If a fielder throws to a base and they drop the ball and it continues to roll out of the field of play, the umpire shall declare DEAD  BALL and runners need to hold their bases.  If the Umpire cannot make a clear decision at anytime, or the ball goes into an OUT OF BOUNDS area:  `DEAD  BALL'  shall be called whereby all play ceases,  runners may advance only one base from their original base and no strikes / balls are recorded.

Any ball that lands inside the playing area is classed as a  FAIR  BALL / HIT  eg a ball which lands in fair territory and bounces into Foul territory is a Fair Hit

RUNS can only be scored from FAIR or SAFE HITS

Balls that land outside the denoted diamond / playing area are to be called `FOULS' by Umpire.  The position of the ball is the deciding factor, not where it finished.  eg:  any ball which lands in foul territory is a foul, irrespective of the fact it may bounce into fair territory.  The first two fouls are declared strikes (1 - 2) on the batter.  After two fouls = strikes are called, all further fouls are not considered strikes. All base runners must return to original base when a foul is called by the umpire

The  PITCHER   must enter onto the pitching plate facing the batter with hands apart, and once commencing the pitching movement continue with a smooth action of one step forward,  through to the underarm delivery of the pitch   A pitcher may take only one step from the pitching plate.  The pitcher must wait for the Umpire to call' PLAY' before beginning the pitch Thereafter the first pitch, the  pitcher must wait for the batter to indicate they are ready to play Penalty:  Umpire shall call `Ball' count on pitcher  If in the case of the pitcher baulking or pitching before "play" is called, the batter can elect to hit.  Note:  If he or she is put out on 1st. or caught they can choose to bat again

For a pitch to be classed as a STRIKE  it must:
**   not bounce or strike the ground before it goes over some part of the home plate and between the knee and breastbone of the batter as he / she stands in a `regular' batting position.  Batter
cannot squat down to reduce strike area.
Note: The batter may elect to hit a ball that bounces before home plate
**  if the batter attempts to hit the ball and misses.  The batter may elect to withdraw from the stroke, should 
the ball strike the bat on this occasion it is not considered a hit

A `BALL' is declared by the Umpire if the pitch does not meet the requirement of a Strike.  After FOUR BALLS have been declared by the umpire the batter may WALK to first base, if occupied base runners advance one base as required to make room for batter to assume first plate

NINTH  / LAST  BATTER   RULE:  The last batter in the order must declare to the umpire prior to batting that they are the `last batter'.   The following situation applies:
If batter does not make it safely to first base - All out, the side is dismissed = Side Away and no runs scored
If the pitched ball is caught by the catcher and catcher puts his /her foot on home base - All out
If batter makes it first base,  - All runners come home = score
If Fair Hit and bases are loaded, runners must run. Children refusing to run are OUT and end of innings
Children standing on a base are not considered safe from a tag
If the last batter is awarded a WALK - All base runners advance one base. A force home = Run
    ***   Fielders should wait for base runners to complete their run to home before leaving the diamond.

`MERCY  RULE' - Once a team has a 10 run lead the `Mercy Rule' applies.  The pitcher (leading team) is changed after a 10 run lead is established.  The supervising referee should activate the `mercy rule'. The trailing coach should request application of the `mercy rule' if not automatically applied by the umpire / referee; however scores and play cannot be revised.  The `mercy rule' is applied and removed as required, depending on the scores. Once a team has a ten (10) run lead the `mercy rule' applies.
The pitcher (leading team) is changed after a 10 run lead is established

An additional 'HALF-TIME MERCY RULE' has been introduced (2013) to address significant score differences, especially if to a zero or nil score. By mutual agreement, if the score is greater than 12 runs to nil, the game is declared over / finished. The result and final score will be calculated by doubling the half-time score. School teams will be mixed together to play a social game for the duration of the second half.

Refer to School Sport Victoria web site for examples of team sheet, playing positions and score sheets

ROUNDERS TEAM  LIST  &  SCORE  SHEET - Attached  below