Please find below information on Varsity Vipers Basketball Club Refund Policy:


If a player/parent wishes to withdraw from the season after being placed into a team, the registration, team nomination, uniform, administration fee and ‘Get Started’ Grant Vouchers are non-refundable.  Varsity Vipers Basketball Club will refund game fees only.  Written notice must be given.


If a player/parent gives written notice to the Club to after playing one game (including grading) Varsity Vipers Basketball Club will refund the second half of the season game fees only.  No fees will be refunded after round 10.


Approved refunds will have a deduction for any Club Fees paid by a Get Started Grant Voucher.


The Varsity Vipers Basketball Club committee may, at its discretion, make amendments to the above policy depending on individual circumstances.


* Players that are injured and medically unable to finish the season may be entitled to a partial refund with a doctor's medical certificate - please email the Club for further information.


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