Contact Us

Contact Details

Contact Name :
Bob Pupavac
Phone number :
0419 322 766
Postal Address :

Authorised Club Representative & Chairperson South Geelong Kings Basketball Club AWA Stadium Basketball Geelong Crowes Road, Belmont 3216.



Banking Details:

CBA Banking & Direct Deposit Details:
South Geelong Kings Basketball Club

BSB: 063-551

Account No. 10387069

This website is linked to our Geelong United Basketball Association for teams and database requirements, it includes our payment portal, uniform portal, and WWC portal for all Kings members and players. Our main website for all other club & team information is available at the below link.


Further contact details are available under the 'Members' tab on our main website via the above link where you will find our club structure with the SG Kings Committee Members and Director of Coaching.

Kings Basketball Coordinator: All SG Kings junior basketball teams may initially be coordinated by the team's designated coach and/or manager. Under the direction and authority of the committee, the club director of coaching will have the final say in team selections and the coordination of teams where the committee deems it is warranted. Junior teams will usually be entered by the club ahead of the coming season, please confirm any team details by email directly to the club.

*** Clearances are initially approved & signed by the club Director of Coaching ***

Should any team need additional assistance in selecting or organising a team list or coordinating players the committee will have the final say, especially in cases where players or parents are displeased or disagree with the coach's/manager's decision.

Where the Coaching Coordinator (Director of Coaching) is unavailable or the position is vacant, the club President will act as the Basketball & Coaching Coordinator under the authority of the committee and where the committee decides it is necessary for the benefit of the club, the team and all players concerned.

If you are keen to get involved in basketball with our club or already play with the Kings and would like to speak with someone about applying for a position within our committee please contact our club President or any of our committee members under the club structure to find out more.

The Kings Basketball Club is always on the lookout for new players and officials to join us in the coordination and support network of the club. Don't sit back wondering if you should wait to be asked; Your services are needed by your club so come and be a part of something special and join us today.

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